They Are More Than What Meets
The Eye
When one walks down the street, enters
a room, attends a sporting event, or goes wherever, one sees nameless faces. In their anonymity, it is easy for one to forget
that there are untold experiences buried deep within each person... experiences just as rich and meaningful to survivors as
those published in auto/biography books.
Here Lies My Heart -- Online Remembrances
provides a worldwide repository for personal remembrances, biographies, sentiments, and special photos in artistically
designed web pages celebrating life events, reflections, narratives, factual accounts and any other message or photograph
which is meaningful to the creator of the eulogy.
Who has not caught themselves thinking
of a deceased person and wishing that they could add their personal epilogue to that deceased person's life? Here Lies
My Heart -- Online Remembrances provides a special place to collect and publish of such thoughts.
On the following pages, visitors will
learn the easy steps that it takes to create an online remembrance.